Avocet on Nest
American Avocet (Recurvirostra americana) adult tending an egg on its nest at the edge of Reed Lake in Morse, Saskatchewan - both adults incubate the eggs
- Copyright: Ron Erwin
- Contact: images@ronerwin.com
- Original: digital
- Orientation: horizontal
- Tiff Size Available: 50-100MB
- Uploaded: January 10 2011
- Keywords:
American Avocet, Recurvirostra americana, sit, sits, sitting, nesting, nest, nests, Reed Lake, Morse, Saskatchewan, egg, one egg, bird, birds, wader, shorebird, shorebirds, Chaplin/Old Wives/Reed Lakes Shorebird Reserve, Important Bird Area, intermittent saline lake, lake, Lakes, water, saline, Global importance, habitat, IBA, important, side view, wading bird, wading birds, shorebird, shorebirds, wader, waders, one, Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network Site, western provinces, WHSRN, adult, breed, breeding, brackish, spotted egg, spotted eggs, incubate, incubator, incubation
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